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Poetry is my way of musing, of saying what has been on my mind. My poetry will always be free and you may share it with your friends and family: I only ask that you give me credit. 

You Didn't Teach Me to Say No

You warned me, "If he tells you after two weeks he loves you, he is just trying to get in your pants",
but you didn't teach me to say "no".

You told me, "Do not listen when he says, 'if you love me you will sleep with me'", 
but you didn't teach me to say "no".

You said I should not kiss him, not even on the cheek, you told me only side hugs so certain parts didn't touch,
but you didn't teach me to say "no"

You encouraged me to scream and bite and kick and punch,
but you didn't teach me to say "no".

You didn't teach me to say "no",
because if I said no to my siblings, I was being selfish.

You didn't teach me to say "no",
because if I said no to you, I was being disrespectful. 

You didn't teach me to say "no",
because if I said no to a friend, I was being antisocial. 

You didn't teach me to say "no",
because if I said no to a person in authority, it would be considered rude. 

You didn't teach me to say "no" and now he thinks I wanted it.
You didn't teach me to say "no" and now the judge is on his side. 
You didn't teach me to say "no" and now all I can do is cry.
You didn't teach me to say "no", not to you, not to him and not to myself
You didn't teach me to say "no" so this is the day I die.

Bonnie and Clyde 

Do you dream of killing innocents?

Do you desire to spend your life on the run?

Is your car of choice a tan Ford V8,

with a trunk full of sawed-off guns?

Do you imagine going out in bloody glory,

never to be forgotten?

Will you drive to your death,

surrounded by guns on both sides?


Do you have the heart of an outlaw

if all your hope rides on the story of Bonnie and Clyde?

A Star Wars Poem

The Master dies

The Apprentice cries


But still he must let go

As he leads he says"Why did this have to happen to me?"

So happiness he cannot see.

He is Still Learning

Don't be angry with him when he breaks your favorite plate,
when he spills milk on the expensive carpet,
or when he drops food to feed the dog.

He did not drop the plate to anger you,
it's just his hands are so small,
and remember, a broken plate is easily replaced,
but a broken heart is hard to repair. 

He did not spill the milk with the intention to ruin the carpet,
but he is still learning how to properly use a cup.
Remember milk is easier to clean up than the wine you spilled last week.

He did not feed the dog to spite you as you frantically tell him to stop
He just wants to share with his best friend and remember,
you snuck the dog a treat last night, when you thought no one was looking.

Remember he is still learning, just as you are still learning.

Do not be angry with him, when he misbehaves in public,
when says a word he is not supposed to,
or when he throws a tantrum.

His misbehaving does not mean you have failed as a parent,
he is only a child still learning his manners,
still learning he doesn't always get his way.

He did not use that bad word to bring you shame,
but he heard you use it yesterday when you were angry.
If mom can say it, he can say it, right?

Remember when he throws a tantrum,
he is only beginning to understand and communicate
his emotions

He is still learning, just as you are still learning

Don't get angry with him when he says "no"
and when he stomps his foot

and shakes his head

He can be defiant, but remember "no" is a very important word to learn
and standing your ground a good skill
Remember just yesterday, you had to tell a gentleman "no", because you didn't want him to touch you
and then you had to punch him, because he wouldn't go away.

He is still learning, just as you are still learning

Don't be angry when he asks you to read his favorite book "one more time"
or when he refuses to go to bed on time
when he asks for last cup of water and gets up to go to the bathroom once again

He wants you to read to him, so he can spend more time with you
He doesn't yet understand how important sleep is yet
and he thinks he can stay up longer like a big boy'
of he can give you a reason to get up.

Remember you stayed up until midnight last night to finish your favorite book
and decided that extra beer was a good idea
until you had to keep getting up to pee.

So remember, he is a child and he is still learning.
Just as you are an adult and you are still learning.

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